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Store Gallery for March 2022: Our Diversity is our Strength

Store Gallery for March 2022: Our Diversity is our Strength

Project Statement

We are grateful during these challenging times to present our 3rd annual photography exhibit of “Our Diversity is our Strength”. Never has it felt more important to share photographs and stories of people who have come to this country for the opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families and who have given so much to our country and communities.

With the increasing hate speech we are experiencing, often against immigrants, and which dehumanizes entire groups of people, we are grateful to get to share these stories as an antidote.

When we allow ourselves to stop and really see each other, to be willing to hear someone’s story, to see our common humanity, we understand we are not so different. It opens the door to mutual understanding and empathy.

We must find a way to first, always see the humanity in each other. It is the only way we will start to heal the deep wounds and divisions in this country.

Much of who we are as a country is the result of immigrant stories over many generations. We have always felt it is important to also acknowledge, that in telling those stories we don’t suggest that it represents all of our stories. We want to acknowledge those descended from slaves brought to this country and those who are part of tribal nations here long before Europeans came.

This year especially, it felt important to state again that black lives matter, and to include images to tell those relevant stories, including from community protests here in Portland. All people of color, whether immigrants or not, face ongoing discrimination in our country. The need has never been greater to tell people’s stories from our community to remind each other of the diversity which makes this country what it is. Racism and hatred can’t thrive when we are willing to really see each other and to recognize each other’s struggles and our shared humanity.

~ Paige Stoyer: Project Director + Co-Curator 
~ Jim Lommasson: Co-Curator


Stop by the Store Gallery in the special location near the printers and paper for the month of March to see these images up close and in high quality. 


 Click through below to see the images in the gallery.  




Our Diversity is Our Strength: Store Gallery March 2022


If you're interested in having your work displayed in one of our galleries, please submit an interest form here.

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