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PDX Winter Light Festival Photo Contest


  • 1. Best of the Fest - These will be the 3 highest scoring photos out of all categories. Whichever categories these winner come out of, the next highest score will be the 1st place winner and the 3rd highest will become 2nd and 4th becomes honorary mention. There will be no direct submissions to this category.
    2. Best Fire Photo - Any photo containing any of the pyrotechnic installations
    3. Best Captured Moment - Candid Portraits and moments at any PDX Winter Light Festival installations or events.
    4. Best Indoor Installation Photo - Best photo of any art installations that were indoors, including window displays.
    5. Best Outdoor Installation Photo - Best photo of any art installations that were outdoors.
    6. Best Festival Fashion Photo - Photo that showcase the amazing outfits and costumes of PDX Winter Light Festival participants or attendees.



All winning photos will be displayed at the Pro Photo Supply gallery for the duration of April, 2024. Pro Photo Supply will host a gallery opening evening on Wednesday, April 3rd from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Winners will be able to take their print home starting May 1st, 2024.

1st Place [in each category]:

  • 12 x16 high quality digital print from Gallery Showing at Pro Photo Supply

2nd Place [in each category]:

  • 10 x12 high quality digital print from Gallery Showing at Pro Photo Supply

Honorable Mention [in each category]:

  • 8 x10 high quality digital print from Gallery Showing at Pro Photo Supply


Submission Deadline: March 22, 2024

Submission Requirements:

  • Contest is open to photographers both Professional and Amateur aged 18 or older.
  • All entries must be digital uploads only.
  • Image files must be submitted in JPG.
  • Each file may not exceed 10MB in size.
  • Each contestant may submit up to five (5) digital images total.
  • Photos must be the original work of the entrant.
  • Employees or contractors of Pro Photo Supply and those living in the same household are not eligible.
  • No watermarks of any kind can be placed on the photo submissions.
  • Watermarks, signatures, or copyright notices MUST be removed prior to submission.
  • All winning photographers will be notified and may be required to resubmit their winning image in a 300 dpi JPEG format no smaller than 8” inches in the shortest dimension or (2400 x 2400 pixels).
  • No one photographer may have more than one winning entry. Eighteen (18) winning entries for the contest will be selected. Their photos will be displayed in our gallery next month.
  • If submission rules are not followed, the application and images will not be judged and/or may be disqualified.
  • Image files must be submitted by March 22, 2024 to

Submission Deadline: March 22, 2024

  • Photographers retain ownership of all copyrights. However, entrants who are chosen as the winner of the 1st Place Category, 2nd Place Category, and Honorable Mention category in this contest, automatically give Pro Photo Supply and PDX Winter Light Festival a non-exclusive, irrevocable license without charge to reproduce and display the image in any electronic, optical, physical, or other medium; to modify its size and resolution; and to use your name as the photographer, without notification or compensation.
  • Photographers of non-winning photographs may be contacted, either by Pro Photo Supply or PDX Winter Light Festival, after the close of the contest to attain permission to use their photograph and name as the photographer.
  • No one photographer may have more than one winning entry. Two (2) winning entries and one (1) honorable mention entries for each Photo Contest Category will be selected.
  • All Finalists will be notified by email as soon as judging wraps, and may be required to resubmit their winning image in high resolution for print. See the requirements above.
  • All winning entries will be displayed in the gallery at Pro Photo Supply, for the duration of April, 2024.
  • The contest is open to all photographers both professional and non-professional.

Submission Deadline: March 22, 2024

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