Cinestill Df96 Monobath 1L
Developing black and white film just got a whole lot simpler with the CineStill Df96 Monobath. The worries of too much development, dilution, time or agitation are gone. Stop bath? Fixer? Hardener? Gone the way of One-Hour-Photos and formaldehyde. Finally, foolproof at home film processing.
Many of the pitfalls and hazards of a multi-bath process are eliminated with this ready-to-use single-step solution, such as improper dilution, over-agitation, bubble marks, surge marks, etc. Over-processing is impossible, because the fixing action overtakes chemical development while aiding physical development, creating better image uniformity and finer grain negatives.
Monobath solutions were first proposed as far back as 1889, but only recently have the difficulties associated with their formulation been possible to overcome. The main problem has been the loss of emulsion speed that results when the exposed silver halide is dissolved by the fixation process before development can take place. Our monobath is unlike home concoctions or old technology that failed years ago. Df96 uses a more effective processing technology (akin to D96 motion picture developer) that buffers fixing, and archival fixing agents that are more solvent and aid in breaking down the silver and redepositing it, to achieve crisp uniform grain and wide development latitude.
Fully Archival Processing:
- Df96 uses one of the the most effective archival fixing agents and will produce fully archival negatives in 3-6 min. with proper care. Extending processing time to ensure full removal (fixing) of undeveloped silver halide will not affect development. Washing time after Df96 processing is exceedingly rapid because the solution is alkaline. Five minutes of washing is sufficient to achieve archival standards. This self-terminating process is fully archival, and it boosts shadow development while terminating highlights from over-processing.
Easy to Use:
- If you have a processing tank and know the room temperature, you’ve got everything you need to start developing CineStill BwXX or any other black and white film at home. Just determine the temperature of the ready-to-use solution, choose the recommended time/agitation combination on the label, and pour.
Cost Effective:
- 1L of reusable monobath solution will easily develop 16+ rolls of film. Simply pour the used chemistry back into the bottle and add 15 seconds for each roll previously processed.
Process All B&W Film:
- Df96 monobath easily processes any standard black and white film at its native ISO. It is designed with traditional cubic-grain emulsions in mind, like BwXX, TriX and HP5, with high silver content. It also works well with tabular grain films with color dye technology, like Tmax, but require double the processing time to clear, and may come out of the bath with pink/purple dyes in the emulsion. This is normal and will fade away. High speed films such as P3200 and Delta3200 can be processed at their native ISOs between 1000-1600 by the instructions on the label, or pushed to 3200 by adding 10°F (6°C). All films can be pushed or pulled by adjusting temp. +/-10°F (6°C).
Quality Results
- A self-completing process, guarantees that high resolution and fine grain motion picture quality negatives are just a single pour away.
- Ready-to-use processing for traditional B&W film in 1 bath
- Worlds fastest process at 80°F in just 3min!
- Flexible processing temperatures (70-80°F)
- Instructions for processing at any room temperature included
- Temp. tolerance is +/-2°F
- For normal or push processing
- Push/Pull processing by adjusting temp. +/- 10°F
- Reusable, all-in-one solution.
- Processes over 16+ rolls of film
- Process 1-8 rolls at a time
- Extremely versatile self-completing process
- No special processor needed (use standard processing tanks and reels)
- Fully archival
- Economical